Saturday, January 12, 2008

Heart Attack!

Brittani and her friends were asked to "heart attack" this boy's room while he was having surgery on his shoulder from a football injury. Guess who asked them...his mom. Isn't that sweet?
I had a fun time bonding with the girls as we cut out hearts so that they could decorate his room. It turned out great. The girls also baked him cookies and put together little candy bags that they attached to balloons.

Here is a picture of the fun entry way they made for his room. Jordan's mom said that he really liked the room, and I know that the girls really liked "heart attacking" it!
P.S. I can't believe I am a mom of a teenager. This is only the beginning!


soccerchick said...

Yeah i really loved doing heart atacking jordans room. It was so fun and doing it with my friends made it even better. and yes you are a mom of a teenager and yes this is the beginning

Laura said...

Oh that brings back memmories of when I was in young womens. The room looks great!

Natasha Hawkins said...

Man, I missed out on YW. But, I am glad Brittani gets to do fun things like this. I guess I will live it out through her!!

kellie said...

YW is great. I have been in YW for a year now and I totally have a new BFF. She is 14. She likes to hang out and help with my kids, so I am not complaining.

Now you need to go ice blokingl.

Laura said...

Ice blocking for sure. Ha ha ha I think it is a reqirement for church.

Natasha Hawkins said...

How sad, I've NEVER been!! Well, I will definitely suggest that to the YW leaders. Thanks for the advice! And Kellie, I'm still trying to get a 13-year-old BFF, so I am jealous. For some reason, I am only cool enough to hang out with if they need something!

Natasha Hawkins said...

P.S. Sandi, Where are you! I haven't heard from you in sooooo long. I miss ya sista!

kellie said...

oh crap, I said Ice bloking, I meant Ice blocking.

Well, my BFF, does get a little demanding, loves to use all my scrapbooking stuff for her school projects and I stressed her out and made her cry once. So, it does all come with a price. I say, take what you can get.

sandi said...

I am mostly back!! Can you say sick in bed for a week with Influenza!! yea, note to self always get the flu shot!!