Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It's the GREAT pumpkin, Charlie Brown...

It was the perfect fall day in usually sunny LA, that we went to the local pumpkin patch/ranch to get our pumpkins for Halloween this year. It was rainy and cloudy and actually the first day in over 6 months that Zach wore pants! (except to church, of course) Now, if you know him at all, you would know that is a grand feat in itself.

We continued our "3rd" annual tradition of going to Lombardi's Ranch with Christopher and Chloe. It was a lot of fun, but dirty, muddy fun too! Chloe looked like Pigpen from the Peanuts when she was done!

Here are the kids being "Headless" in Scarecrow Alley next to their least favorite scarecrow- Hannah Montana! Apparently, it was soooo bad, they didn't dare look!


sandi said...

Looks like lots of fun!! So what was the temp that day???

Nina said...

Thanks for the update. That picture of me in the olden days is pretty scarry, but Brittany is cute, so is Steve. Love your blog.


Laura said...

Hey this is Steve... so what's with the neglected child trapped in her stroller while everyone sits on the pumpkin? "help me please," she says, "I want to play on the big pumpkin too."