Monday, July 21, 2008

4th of July

Like I said in my last post, for the Fourth of July we went down to San Diego to visit family. We had a blast going to the beach in La Jolla. The kids had fun boogie boarding and playing in the sand. The adults had fun eating yummy fajitas that Kristen's family made. Deeeelicious!
Chris is always the fun uncle, (and now dad), that likes to play in the sand with the kids. They are always finding interesting creatures to bring back to us. Crabs, starfish, name it, they find it. And yes Alissa, this is the one who wears brown, as you can see by the picture!
Grandpa always takes good care of his grandkids. Here he is with Chloe. I thought this picture was adorable. Just taking a stroll down the beach...
Wow, Steve has been working out. Love the six pack! The kids and adults, had fun bulking Steve up. It was even more fun to see him try to get out of this!
In keeping with our usual tradition, we stayed at the beach ALL day and into the night so that we could watch the fireworks. Steve took some cool pictures of the fireworks, so I thought I would share one.


sandi said...

First, I am so proud of you, that you posted again so soon! It is always great to see more pics and see how you are doing! LUFF YA!

Natasha Hawkins said...

Thanks Sandi! I try. Ha, ha. Well, I would like to keep my blog more current, but I am taking two summer classes right now, so it never feels like I have enough time for the fun stuff. But, as you can see from the photos so far, we have had SOME fun!!!