Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy B-day Miss Hayli

For Hayli's birthday we took her to see the musical "Wicked" at the Pantages Theatre in Los Angeles! It was amazing. She loved it, and so did all of the kids... and adults too!

For dinner we went to the famous "Pink's" hotdog stand in L.A. It's very famous for its long lines and celebrity sightings! It's inexpensive and a good "dog" at that.


sandi said...

Sounds like Hayli had a great day! So did you see any celebrities? Brangelina?

Natasha Hawkins said...

I love PINKS HOT DOGS!!!!!!!!!!

Natasha Hawkins said...

That last comment "I love Pink's Hotdogs" was from Zach. He loves to get on my blog. In fact, he showed me he published a comment after it was already done.

As far as celebrities, no, we didn't see any. No Tomkat or Brangelina this time!

kellie said...

Sweet! Your kids are getting so old. oh, and you don't love "Wicked" or anything, do ya? Sounds like a good show, I should try it sometime.

Oh yeah, and what are pink hot dogs? I don't think I have ever seen one.

Natasha Hawkins said...

Well, the hotdogs aren't actually pink. Pink is the original owners' last name. Pink's has been in the same location for 68 years, if you can believe it. In the begining it was just a hotdog cart. They've come a long way, baby. Oh, sorry, that's another brand's slogan. No black lungs, if you know what I mean!