Monday, July 21, 2008

Macy's baby blessing

Of course, the most important reason that we went to San Diego for the 4th of July, was for Macy's baby blessing. Let me just say that we weren't the only ones who came. Wow, there were ALOT of people there. Macy, you are one loved baby!
Here are Macy with her loving parents, Chris and Kristen, with their loving parents, Tony and Nina.

Here are the rowdy cousins. Hey, where's Macy? She needs to get in there next time!
Chris gave Macy a very sweet and special blessing and the Fast and Testimony meeting was very spiritual too. Many family members bore their testimonies and we could all feel the spirit and the love we have for each other in the family!

4th of July

Like I said in my last post, for the Fourth of July we went down to San Diego to visit family. We had a blast going to the beach in La Jolla. The kids had fun boogie boarding and playing in the sand. The adults had fun eating yummy fajitas that Kristen's family made. Deeeelicious!
Chris is always the fun uncle, (and now dad), that likes to play in the sand with the kids. They are always finding interesting creatures to bring back to us. Crabs, starfish, name it, they find it. And yes Alissa, this is the one who wears brown, as you can see by the picture!
Grandpa always takes good care of his grandkids. Here he is with Chloe. I thought this picture was adorable. Just taking a stroll down the beach...
Wow, Steve has been working out. Love the six pack! The kids and adults, had fun bulking Steve up. It was even more fun to see him try to get out of this!
In keeping with our usual tradition, we stayed at the beach ALL day and into the night so that we could watch the fireworks. Steve took some cool pictures of the fireworks, so I thought I would share one.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Book club...

Well, for the fourth of July we went to San Diego to visit family. Of course, I had just purchased Twilight and got it in the mail the day before, so I had to bring it. Brittani was way ahead of me, already on book 3, Eclipse. And Julie, was on book 2, New Moon. We were all so into our books that weekend that we couldn't stop reading, and Steve took this picture. It wasn't planned at all, but here we are...Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse...all in a row. How funny! Well, I have to say I ended up finishing all three books in less than a week, so now I am done and waiting for book 4, Breaking Dawn, to come out on August 2nd. Can't wait! By the way, I am officially obsessed with Edward! And I can't wait til the movie in December!!

Beach blanket bingo baby...

So, the week after we got back from Bass Lake, Julie and Cyrus were lucky enough to go to Hawaii and we watched the kids for them for the week. We had fun going to the beach.
I just love this picture of Brittani and Chloe. What cute cousins!!
Hayli kept trying to get Chloe to stand up in the sand, but Chloe wasn't havin' it. She did NOT want to get down. We were cracking up at the "death grip" Chloe had on Hayli.
Here is the gang at Ventura beach. I love the beach, it's one of my most favorite places to be.

The need for speed...

The first week of summer break we took our family vacation. We went to Bass Lake, which is about an hour south of Yosemite. We rented a speed boat for 5 hours one of the days and had fun tubing, relaxing, and of (unfortunately we didn't catch anything, though)
Here are Zach and I on the tube. Dave went pretty fast, but we only fell off a couple times. The water was surprisingly nice. Not really warm, but it wasn't cold either.
Dave was brave enough to let me drive the speed boat so that he could have a turn on the tube. Well, let's just say, he's not the only one who likes to drive fast. I think it was my mission to knock him off that tube, and well, mission accomplished!
Here is the Chalet that we stayed in. It was actually quite nice. Older, but nice. It had a bedroom and bathroom downstairs, and a living room with a kitchen and a loft, upstairs. The kids LOVED the loft. They would go up there and play games, it was nice.
The day we arrived was Father's day, so we celebrated at Bass Lake. Which if you know Dave at all, is very appropriate. We gave him this cool Bass magnet. We like to collect magnets. This was our first time at Bass Lake and we definately plan to return again!!

It's GREAT to be eight!!

On June 13th it was the last day of school, and what better way to celebrate than to have a party! Zach had his eighth birthday party at Scooter's Jungle! It has private party rooms that are just for your own group that have giant inflatable slides, jumpies, and swings etc.
Here I am going down the slide. The fun is not just for the kids, ya know.
Here is Zach on his "royal thrown" opening his birthday gifts. This one is from Julie, Cy, Chris, and Chloe.
Yes, I told you, we LOVE Costco cake. Here is Zach with his. Yum, Yum. By the way, our Costco does the best designs.
As you can see from this pic, Zach definately had A LOT of fun. Man, is he sweaty. Well, that's my boy! Happy birthday buddy!

Let's start from the beginning...

Well, I defininately have been slacking off when it comes to blogging. But, I figure I would do my best to catch up by starting from the beginning of summer, basically. On May 31st, Christopher had his 6th birthday party. The "reptile guy" came and the kids had a blast with snakes, an oppossum, a wallaby, scorpions, lizards, and much, much more.
Here is Zach with a python. He's wearing his Indiana Jones shirt so this pic is quite appropriate, I think.
Here is christopher with his Costco cake. Yes, our family is obsessed with Costco cake, yum yum.
That night, it was Hayli's spring dance recital. She was in two performances, a jazz number and a tap number. Congrats Hayli, you did a GREAT job. Keep dancing!
It was nice that a lot of family was able to attend. Thanks everyone for coming!